Wings of Rescue Mission 9.27.18| Seattle Pet Photography

I don’t think I’ve met a Wings of Rescue mission yet that was all cats but this one was cats AND Jackson Galaxy, and I do believe it was the first time he got the chance to fly on one of the flights up from California to us here in Seattle. His report was that the lone puppy that was on board was responsible for any stinkiness, he did nod off for a second, and it was clear weather all the way up on their trip.

Copyright K.A.Moore Photography20180927 Wings of Rescue LR10_web.jpgCopyright K.A.Moore Photography

I love meeting these flights, knowing that all the animals are getting a second chance up here, that so many people have come together to make it happen…it’s really quite amazing. Those worried little faces in those crates under the wing of the plane on the runway will soon find homes up here by way of several different rescues; naturally since I’m out there taking photos for Seattle Area Feline Rescue, we picked up six kitties to take back to the North end in ‘William’ (that’s the name of our stylish van).

For the FULL ALBUM of images that I took, click HERE!!

**Link for the rescue’s Nine Lives Gala will be up soon!

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