Beavis & the Case for Fostering Animals | Seattle Cat Photography 

Kitty Yoga

I got the chance to catch up with one of the coolest cats recently. Beavis (previously named Electro) had been taken in by one of the most awesome cat foster families for and what a turn around this guy had made. I had met him months prior, back when he was actually at the rescue; he would sit high up on the beams in Room 1, hiding and shy like his brother Sebastian (who was renamed Boo, by the same amazing foster family). Many adult cats come to shelters and rescues with big stories behind them, but they often have big and wonderful characters that often don’t get a chance to shine until they get a chance to be in a foster home. Such was the case for Beavis. He was suddenly this leaping, loving, lively cat, his personality just hadn’t had the chance to blossom before and to be seen. He can leap several feet into the air, loves hanging out in yoga poses and is affectionate with both other kitties and people. Such a happy sight to see.

Beavis Butt

Well, after my new photos were posted, the rescue got calls for Beavis within days, and he now has his new forever home. It just is obvious how invaluable a foster home was for this guy. I want to encourage cat (and all animal) lovers everywhere that if they want to help a rescue, but volunteering their time and/or donating money often are too difficult, to consider offering help by fostering. Instead of adopting one more animal, providing your home, TLC and attention, can help save numerous animals. They get the chance to learn to trust and love humans again (as many have backgrounds where that love and trust was missing), and their true characters come out. Pressure is taken off the rescue, and whilst you may grow attached in a short time, you will feel joy when a new home for them is found; you have played a part in that animal’s success story. And then there’s a chance for another kitty! You can be a rescue angel too.

xo ~ K

I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul.  ~ Jean Cocteau

4 thoughts on “Beavis & the Case for Fostering Animals | Seattle Cat Photography 

  1. aleafinspringtime says:

    That is one gorgeous cat! I have never been much of a cat person having been surrounded by dogs all my life (I mean of the canine variety). We ran a temporary shelter for stray dogs at our home at one point (much to the horror of my house-proud mother) and had about 10 dogs of all shapes and sizes and ages trotting about in the garden. But back to Beavis here – now he’s making me change my mind about being a cat person after all. I absolutely love those poses. He’s completely a star and is right at home in his own skin! Sharon


    • kamoorephoto says:

      You just maybe haven’t found the ‘right’ cat yet 😉 They are indeed quite different than dogs, in that they don’t aim to simply please you, and generally are pretty low-maintenance. But I have had (and still do have) some fiercely loyal cats, and they can be amazing companions. I have a dog and three cats, and have been around animals all my life (my dad is veterinarian!), and I just have to have both cats and dogs around. Cats wow me with how so super intelligent they are, how you can see the ‘big cats’ in their behavior, and how their independence contrasts the way dogs can be. That said, I do actually have a temperamentally-challenged cat right now.
      I think the case for adopting an adult cat from a rescue or shelter is a good one, since you kind of know ‘what you’re getting’, as opposed to a kitten. At our rescue we definitely try to really get to know the adult cats so we can encourage a good ‘fit’ with a new forever home. Some of these cats have been through a LOT!


      • aleafinspringtime says:

        Oh how very lovely for you to have a vet for a dad! Reminds me of James Herriot one of my all time favourite authors! Thanks so much for sharing with me some glimpses into a cat’s world. I am intrigued and that’s a good tip to find an adult cat. Do they really change so much from kittens to adults? As always, good to chat and many hugs from me! My boy just started pre-school this week and so I now have the mornings open up. Talk to you again soon! Sharon


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